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Updated: Nov 29, 2022

Reset had the lovely opportunity to speak to the singer, Felix, of the band Neeve, an upcoming indie band from Germany. Felix said they started doing music when they were 14- 15 and when they formed their band it consisted of him, his brother and two other brothers who were their cousins. They first started doing covers of bands like The 1975 and later started making and writing their own songs and this was when "things got more professional."

When asked about what inspires most of their songs the singer explained that most of the inspiration for the songs comes from "the stuff that are going on in our lives." For example, two or three years ago he was writing songs about "finding myself and the purpose of life," their song 'Bye-Bye' came to life when Felix was experimenting with different things like fashion to find himself and ​to get to know himself better. Writing songs also helped him cope when he was struggling with mental health; writing about his experience with ADHD and panic attacks. The bands recent song 'This got me staying' which came out on 18th March is largely focused on brotherhood and openness and is inspired by his younger brother as he sees himself "reflecting" on him. As mentioned before the band started by doing covers so it's no surprise when the singer mentioned The 1975 as one of their music idols that they look up to. "We were super inspired by how they (The 1975) create music and how they create art around the music, which is the super special part which makes them have a super intimate relationship with their fans." For those who have never heard Neeve's music, the phrases that describe them would be, "very rhythm based" as the drums and rhythm are very strong; "catchy and to the point" the band tries to "get the songs to the audience in a very short amount of time, so it's very to the point." Upbeat and overall just good vibes because Felix explained "I feel like you can dance to every song. Maybe it's the ADHD but I like to write songs that are very jumpy and move." When asked about the goals for this year the singer was thrilled to tell us that they have reached their target of higher numbers of listeners on Spotify. He told us that "before we were at 5,000 or 6,000 monthly listeners. However now we have 40,000 within a few weeks" which is huge for them and ​they appreciate all the support. So further goals would be: "more headline shows and shows in the UK hopefully soon" as they have a growing fanbase here due to the social media platform TikTok. Their debut album is also in the works to come out for September, so look out for that and other singles along the way!

Of course we also had to ask about some of the challenges the band has faced to give you an insight; personally for the singer it was when the band didn't have a drummer, so he had to be both the singer and drummer of the band he explained that "it was just very hard to move around doing both things" but now as the singer of the band he loves to be up front connecting with the audience and hyping them up for a good show. Although five years seems like a long time "it feels like it's all going too fast", so for the future the band hopes to do more headline shows in their home country and maybe do support shows for other artists. One thing Felix would tell his younger self is "don't doubt yourself..... take criticism but keep your head high and keep going..... turns out most people don't know what they're doing either, so you just have to keep pushing and do what you're doing", some great advice there to remember!

Now you know it wouldn't be a Reset article without a bit of fashion in here, so we asked the singer who the most fashionable member is, to which he​ answered: obviously with age there comes a big change. He said that he personally started by wearing all black, but gradually developed his style as he started to discover himself more by experimenting with clothing, shopping in sections he usually wouldn't and taking Harry Styles as an inspiration, which speaks for itself! Overall the bands whole look comes together when they are inspired by each other because "everyone is trying different things and styles and just finding themselves." To end the interview on a musical note we asked Felix what song he has on repeat right now and he replied with 'Here We Go Again' by The Neighbourhood'. He explained how he felt that The Neighbourhood had such different songs in their albums which appeals to different audiences, which is something he wants to do in their own albums. And speaking of albums, make sure to look out for their debut album coming in September and check out their new single 'This got me staying'!!


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