Guess who’s back with another interview, that’s right, Issue Reset and we are here to introduce you to The Motive, whom we had a chance to speak a while back, so let’s just get down to business and start the questions.
1. How did you get into the music industry?
Elliott started the answer off with “We all sort of have our own way into music, for me I went to a music Uni and did a course on management and I session played while I was there, got a degree and thought I've got my safety net now, so I'm just gonna go for it. In that period of me just doing my own thing, I saw that The Motive was looking for singers so I thought I'd go down and see my options, then I met the band, loved the boys and that’s just how I got in really.”
For James he said “I played instruments in school, I was a weirdo and brought my guitar on the bus with me, so in year 7 I had a school bag, P.E kit and guitar, with food tech also packed in. My first actual underground show that I watched was The Motive and I was mates with a couple of them and one day the guitarist just left so I was in. So I went from watching the band to becoming mates and then joining”.
Tom had been playing since he was 6 and was in band in school which ended in year 8 and “drums were just a passion from then, I was abit like James carrying my drum sticks in my backpack and later I started posting on TikTok and James found me on Instagram.”
2. What inspires most of your songs?
“We’re just individually playing in our rooms and the next rehearsal we share it and, I think our song writing process is relatively quick so one thing they would share is never delete your voice notes cause the idea will come back at some point.”
3. Who’s your biggest music idols?
“It changes all the time. Individually we’ve got our own preferences, but also on the same wavelength on some things. So some of them are more into harder rock stuff like Foo Fighters and Nirvana. Some are more in line with indie and bring in The 1975 references while others are just into anything and everything from Katy Perry to Death Metal.
4. In five words how would you describe your band to someone who's never heard it before?
“Like. It. Is. on. Spotify.” They feel like some people enjoy the journey because they’ve got some music from when we were sixteen that was recorded in their old music teachers room vs now when they’ve got “hundreds of pounds in production and sound industry quality.”
5. What has been the biggest challenge in the band's career so far?
“Basically we’ve come across a few mountains to climb because a couple of members left quite unexpectedly and we’ve had to turn that around quickly! Yet, coming from that we’re sounding better than ever, writing tunes better than ever and just being a more gelled group. Even so we’ve had moments where we’re not getting as many gigs and you get stuff thrown at you in the music industry, but the most important thing is we dust ourselves off and we hardly say no to stuff ever and take opportunities as we get it!”

6. Where do you see yourself in five years? (in terms of the band.)
“We keep grafting away, if we’re not writing or together or doing our normal jobs we’re at gigs, we will say “Hi” and get to know people and keep networking!”
7. If you could go back to the start of your music career, what's one thing you'd tell your younger self that you’ve learnt now ?
They would tell themselves to not record a song called “Blue Eyes” although a majority of the band do like it, James is not as fond of it! On a more serious note one piece of advice the members would give themselves is “Patience is key, because sometimes not a lot is happening but sometimes everything is happening and if nothing’s happening just wait for the right time, so most important thing is just have fun, be yourself, cause people sniff out the bullshit.”
Tom would start social media sooner cause who knows where you could be so “Use everything to your advantage.”
James added to the answer by saying “consistency is key and especially as a band you have to put out a consistent product because even on spotify it will push out your music more because of consistency.”
8. Let's talk about fashion!
“We’re all fashionable and we try to merge it together, we’re not all looking completely the same, but we are cohesive, so we always think of it… At least a little bit.”
9. Are you working on anything at the moment, and if you can tell us what?
When we spoke to them they had a new tune coming out soon, but they also plan to release two or three more songs coming out later this year. “We’re always working on something and also taking up gigs on the side.”
10. How did you come up with the name of your band, The Motive?
“From where we’re from, around London, what someone is doing you ask them “like what’s the motive?” so we are something that’s happening later!”
But Issue Reset thinks they’re happening now, not later! So go check out The Motive on all major streaming platforms now.