After a slight delayed start to the interview, after Myles forgetting to add it to his calendar, he then covered this up with humour by saying “it wouldn’t have been very rock n roll of me to be early”, as we all laughed on the call.
He has always been in to music since about the age of 13, because his first girlfriend was “really in to music and I thought she was amazing” he recalls, whilst laughing. After, that he properly got in to music, listening to artists such as The Stone Roses, “and that kind of thing”. Ever since then he has loved music but never really got into playing music he says, he always had a guitar around him and yet only learnt to play “little bits and bobs” but he didn’t really get in to playing, singing and writing until he met a friend from the band Candid. After hanging out with him and again thinking “he was so cool” he then started to go to some open mics and thought it wasn’t “that bad”, and from then it has “taken off a bit” with him being offered gigs.
He claims his inspiration for songs comes from all different things. He tells us that sometimes he’ll “just be sat on my bed noodling around and I'll come up with a nice melody and the words will come to me with the melody”. One song he wrote, which possibly may be getting recorded soon, he recalls he was going through a “break up or something” so he set song writing rules for himself like he was going to sit in that position and he would look around him and that’s the things he will talk about in the song. As you don’t want a song to be too over the place, with too many ideas.
Myles would say his biggest music idols as of now would be a female fronted band like, Wolf Alice, Haim or Black Honey. As he got the chance to watch Black Honey from backstage at a festival, and he was amazed. “I've got this sick picture of her looking back, and it was like a professional photo!”, well now you could be a photographer as well!
When we asked him what 5 words, he would describe his music to someone who has never listened to it before he quickly answered with “sad, sad, sad and sad?”. After giving it some thought he answered with, “observant, sometimes a bit cheeky, sincere, rambunctious! Nah, unimpressive” he laughs, “emotional, I’d say some of them are emotional!”.
We asked him if he could collaborate with any artist who would it be? He answers quickly with, “probably Miles Kane, just because it would be so funny with Myles and Miles and call the EP Myles and Miles, which is just brilliant!”. Also, with the idea of playing on the I and the Y difference in spelling. “Or the chief himself, c'mon Alex, but we can’t get that close can we!”.
If he could go back to the start of his music career, he would tell himself to “go for it, that’s what I would say!” Myles telling us it has taken him some time to get to the point where he enjoys it whereas at the start he didn’t, “It's such a bizarre thing”, and when starting out he didn’t enjoy it as he was so nervous. But now he’s so grateful he did push himself as now it's something he does because he enjoys it, and he actually loves to do it!
He tells us of a time at the start of his career, his first gig he had to get so drunk before that he went on and got half way through “Talk Tonight” that he had messed up half the words, that he put down the guitar and walked out. And he hasn’t gone back since!!
Get excited because he has written an EP that is about 6 tracks long, and that he may be working on a song with another singer, yet sadly he can’t say who. He tells us it’s all written he just is waiting to get in the studio!
As we are nearing the end of the year, we asked him if he has completed any of his goals for this year. He responded with, “I’m not really a goal kind of person, I can’t lie! I’m very much a wake up and try not to die kind of person.” Which is definitely some good advice to give! He is trying to sell tickets at the moment for his show supporting Overpass, which are friends of Issue Reset Magazine. Myles is good mates with Overpass, as he is often over in Birmingham as there is a good music scene there and everyone is sort of mates!
Myles would say his biggest challenge has been getting the time and money to put towards his music career, as he also has to work. As he didn’t know if getting over the initial nerves counts as everyone probably has that!
We thought as we are a Fashion and Music Magazine to throw a little bit of Fashion in there, we would ask Myles if he would class himself as a very fashionable person. He replied with “Yeah, yeah I do! I mean I just copy what I like on other people really!” I mentioned his leather jacket, saying “wonder where that came from?”, which Myles replied with, “Yeah because Alex Turner is the only man in Rock n Roll history to ever where a leather jacket!”, we all laughed.
When Myles does his covers across his social media platforms, he tends to put his own twist on them we wondered if this was something that came natural to him or he had to give it some thought before hitting that record button. He told us that, “I have only just noticed a lot of people saying that, and that I have only just noticed it myself.”
Thank you to Myles for this very enjoyable interview, and definitely watch out for his next releases!